Bruno Gasser

Beratung und Therapie


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More and more people are concerned about their health. However, we have to take care of our well-being. This includes topics such as nutrition (eg. weight regulation), sleep (eg. quality of sleep), movement (eg. mood), stress (stress management), prevention. Those who want to change their behavior and break new ways, achieve their goals faster with professional consultation and personal coaching. Motivational interviews are the basis for the collaboration. And because one’s ability is always in the center, the detailed objectives are realistic. Then we discuss the implementation strategies.

Who can benefit from counseling and coaching? Children, adolescents, adults, parents, professionals, schools, school board members and organizations.

In educational and school settings coaching on the spot is often useful for children and teenagers as well as for teachers. This facilitates practical support and accompaniment.

In my presentations or speeches you will have access to comprehensive information on these various topics.  


Reinhold Niebur:

... grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference ...